"In Islam, I am one of the many muslims who was hurt by Nike's ad which
shows muslims prostrating to a woman in one of their brand jeans. I will
remind you of what the Company NIKE did to muslims when they portray the
name of Allah on one of their sports shoes. The result was that Malaysia,
Indonesia, and the Gulf states including Saudi Arabia stopped importing
Nike products. If you look carefully you will find that it was after that
incident that Nike began to report earnings less than expected on the
wall street which caused their stock price to tumble. The stock price has
not recovered yet. Check it for yourselves. You owe this to your
shareholders. If this picture reaches the governments of some of those
countries I bet the fate of our company will not be much different from
Nike. I am emailing this letter to as many muslims I can. Thank you for
reading this letter.

P.S. to all muslim brothers and sisters who recieve this e-mail, please
email this letter to as many people as you can Please donate 5 minutes of
your precious time for the sake of Allah."

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