Hallo an alle

Nach einigem Zögern setze ich diese Mail an mich doch hier rein. Bewegt sich etwas in der Nachschau auf die Vorkommnisse in Sidi Ifni?

"hi after speaking to the congress from rabat i was interviewed by what i thought was human rights org: it wasnt they where journalists from the biggist news paper in moroccop; i am frount page news they report'ed quite well what i understand from trans lated; to marks liberation day but they all went on strike again and demanstated in bulalaam where the fight was: tonite they will camp and stay untiull all the prisioners are eleased: the head line is english women gives testomoney . im famous for the wrong bloody thing...."

Gruß Keela

Ich bin nicht dumm, ich hab' nur voll so Pech beim Denken...