Azul Afellelis,

Aud dem Kapitel “ Scission, Discontinuity and Reduplication of Agnatic Descent Groups in Priecolonial Berber Societies in Morocco”

Titel: Tribe and Society in Rural Morocco
Buch David M.Hart

*.......Also, according to a local legend, the Ulad Sbbah, the Ulad Hariz and the Mdkhra represent the last vestiges of a late medieval Berber heresy that of the BARGHWATA, who maintained their own heterodox religious practices and a very free Berber version of the Qur´an until thes were stamped out by the unitarian Almhads in the thirteenth country. Michaux-Bellaire notes, in addition, and perhaps tellingly, that even though all these Shawiya tribes or sections came to intermarry, with the usual resultant alliances and hostilities, the did not regard themselves, as Rifan and Susi Berbers do, as children of the region by imposing their own ethnonym on their territory. ( This was left for the French to do.)............