Azul/Gruss Gott

HLA genes in Arabic-speaking Morocco


eine Übersetzungsversuch auf englsich der Artikel aus Al Pais:

Antonio Arnaiz Villena
El Pais (29-12-99)

The new techniques of applied molecular genetics to the study of the genes in the different populations are very being used and a new branch of science emerges with force: genomic the historical one. The comparison of the genetic profiles of ethnic groups allows to put historical the postulates on approval often based on little objetivables deductions: without a doubt, genomic omplementa to classic history. Thus one settled down that the modern human species left few hundreds ago of thousands years of Africa and populated the planet. In the Mediterranean scope it has been seen, with the study of genes HLA, how the genetic substratum the old Mediterranean was not integrated by the Greeks, and nevertheless yes by Iranian, Jewish, Lebanese, cretenses, gipcios, Algerian, Moroccan, Iberian the anatolios (Turkish), history says to us that the Greek micénicos entered (or they were made notice) the Balkan peninsula towards 2,000 years before Christ.

They destroyed the cretense empire and they assimilated its culture (and writing). But of whom it was the cretense cultural patrimony? **time-out** the genomic the historical one say to us that, partly, of all the the Mediterranean ones, that weigh already thousand of year maintain a important a cultural and genetic flow. Greece was a crucible that also absorbed other old cultures Mediterranean in addition to the cretense. In this context, the town to bereber (they imazighen them), with own ling5uísticas and genetic characteristics, unjustly has been left to a side of history. The linguistic one, which it is a parallel weapon of study to the genomic one for reestudio of history, demonstrates that bereber it was spoken from the Canary islands (guanche) to Egypt (oasis of Siwa), and from the Mediterranean South coast to the sub-Sahara area. An extension similar to the one of the United States.

Collaborating with Jorge Alonso García we have concluded who the towns bereberes were themselves probably forced a massive emigration, when settling down makes 6,000 years before Christ the hyperbarren conditions of the Sahara. They went towards the Canary Islands, the Middle East and Iberia and the Mediterranean islands. Part of the genetic and cultural patrimony of Iberia must bereberes. The old Iberian language, the Basoue (as Etruscan and the minoica) is very related with bereber. They contributed bereberes to Mediterranean the cultural development of pre - Greek? It is very probable that thus it was: the results of genomic historical and the linguistic one do not leave place to doubts. The present North Africans of the Magreb, speak Arab or Arab and to bereber, are in their majority bereberes, understanding by such the prePhoenician native settlers of North Africa.

The Arab invasions of century VII-VIII as much in Iberia as in North Africa were genetically little important: the relatively few military and aristocrats went " conquering " and recruiting local troops for the following passage of neighboring territorial annexation. The unstoppable force of the Islam has erased cultural characters, but the genes follow there, showing their overwhelming truth. This case is parallel to the Turk: the genomic one demonstrates that relatively few centroasiáticos Turks imposed their language to anatolios of the old Mediterranean genetic substratum. The Islam and the interpretation interested of history in nonMediterranean countries have made us also see the Turks like strangers. They are it in smaller degree than the Greeks.

Antonio Arnaiz Villena is university professor of the Complutensian University of Madrid. -----